🔒FiveM Asset Escrow

Our scripts all use FiveM Asset Escrow System. Below you will find information and possible errors regarding it.

Before buying our scripts

Correct FiveM Account

upon Purchasing any script from our store, you will be asked to link your FiveM account. Make sure you are suing the account which is associated with your server as the key will be linked directly to that account and will not work on any other key.

You can see your license key through https://keymaster.fivem.net

Use correct Server Artifacts

You need to have a minimum of 4960 artifacts to be able to use Asset Encrypted Scripts. You can update your artifacts through here

Asset Escrow Errors

You lack the required entitlement to use markhor-xxxx

  1. Make sure after buying a script you restart the entire server for it to run

  2. Make sure you are using the correct server key attached to your fivem account. If not you can always transfer the script to the correct account through keymaster

Failed to verify protected resource markhor-xxx

  1. This error occurs when the files are courrpted. Redownload and install the files and make sure you are not using FTP Application like Filezilla as it corrupts the escrowed files. Use something like WinSCP

Error parsing script @Y in resource X: @Y: syntax error near '<\‎1>'

  1. This error indicates that you are using an outdated server Artifact. Please use the latest recommended artifact through here

More information

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