Here's a preview of all the config files of the script
Config = {}
--- [[ Markhor Bridge ]] ---
--- [[ Markhor Bridge ]] ---
--- This resource depends on Markhor Bridge.
--- With Markhor Bridge, all necessary settings (such as framework, inventory, interact, etc.) are automatically set.
--- You don't have to do anything except install Markhor Bridge.
--- [[ Markhor Bridge ]] ---
--- [[ Markhor Bridge ]] ---
Config.language = "EN" -- Choose Language -> "EN" / "NL".
Config.drawMissionText = true -- As soon as the text at the bottom of the screen is not displayed, set it to false. (recommended: true)
Config.scaleText = 0.5 -- Use this option once "Config.drawMissionText" is set to false. This allows you to scale the text.
-- if Config.framework == 'ESX' then
-- Config.ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() -- Change this to your own ESX object.
-- Config.esxmenuAlign = 'right' -- Alignment of the menu to select a track.
-- elseif Config.framework == 'QBCORE' then
-- Config.QBCORE = exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject() -- Change this to your own QBCore object.
-- Config.qbMenu = 'qb-menu' -- QBCore menu event
-- end
-- The jobs in Config.whitelistJobs are whitelisted to open the menu.
Config.whitelistJobs = {
-- To open the menu from your own script, use the event below.
-- This event checks for the correct job and whether the player is in a vehicle.
-- It is a client sided event with no arguments required.
-- >> TriggerClientEvent('mh_parts:openMenu', source) << -- Use this event in a server file.
-- >> TriggerEvent('mh_parts:openMenu') << -- Use this event in a client file.
Language = {
["EN"] = {
["replacingPart"] = "~y~You're replacing the part..",
["replacedPart"] = "~y~The part has been ~g~successfully ~y~replaced!",
["replaceFailed"] = "~y~Part replacement ~r~failed~y~!",
["walkToVehicle"] = "~y~Walk up to a vehicle to make the repair",
["animationLoading"] = "~b~The animation is loading",
["objectLoading"] = "~b~The object is loading",
["menuTitle"] = "Parts",
["inVehicle"] = "You cannot sit in a vehicle",
["wrongJob"] = "You don't have the right job to open this menu",
["cmd"] = "getparts",
["cmdDesc"] = "Open parts menu",
["menuList"] = {
{label = "Tyre"}, {label = "Headlight"}, {label = "Taillight"}, {label = "Brakelight"}, {label = "Door"}, {label = "Battery"}, {label = "Window"}, {label = "Front Bumper"}, {label = "Rear Bumper"}, {label = "License Plate"},
{label = "Mirror"}, {label = "Exhaust"}, {label = "Full repair"}, {label = "Remove last prop"}
}, -- Do not change this order!
["NL"] = {
["replacingPart"] = "~y~Je bent het onderdeel aan het vervangen...",
["replacedPart"] = "~y~Het onderdeel is ~g~succesvol ~y~vervangen!",
["replaceFailed"] = "~y~Het vervangen van het onderdeel is ~r~mislukt~y~!",
["walkToVehicle"] = "~y~Loop naar een voertuig toe om de reparatie uit te voeren",
["animationLoading"] = "~b~De animatie wordt geladen",
["objectLoading"] = "~b~Het object wordt geladen",
["menuTitle"] = "Onderdelen",
["inVehicle"] = "Je kan niet in een voertuig zitten",
["wrongJob"] = "Je hebt niet de juiste job om dit menu te openen",
["cmd"] = "getparts",
["cmdDesc"] = "Open het onderdelen menu",
["menuList"] = {
{label = "Band"}, {label = "Koplamp"}, {label = "Achterlicht"}, {label = "Remlicht"}, {label = "Deur"}, {label = "Accu"}, {label = "Ruit"}, {label = "Voorbumper"}, {label = "Achterbumper"}, {label = "Kentekenplaat"},
{label = "Spiegel"}, {label = "Uitlaat"}, {label = "Volledige reparatie"}, {label = "Verwijder laatste prop"}
}, -- Verander deze volgorde niet!
MainConfig = {} = {
name = "band",
prop = "prop_rub_tyre_01",
x = 0.025,
y = 0.11,
z = 0.255,
rx = -145.0,
ry = 290.0,
rz = 0.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {
partIndex = {
["wheel_lf"] = 0,
["wheel_rf"] = 1,
["wheel_lm1"] = 2,
["wheel_rm1"] = 3,
["wheel_lm2"] = 45,
["wheel_rm2"] = 47,
["wheel_lm3"] = 46,
["wheel_rm3"] = 48,
["wheel_lr"] = 4,
["wheel_rr"] = 5
name = "koplamp",
prop = "prop_headlight_01",
x = 0.025,
y = 0.01,
z = 0.155,
rx = 270.0,
ry = 240.0,
rz = 0.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"headlight_l", "headlight_r"},
partIndex = {["headlight_l"] = 10, ["headlight_r"] = 20}
name = "achterlicht",
prop = "prop_taillight_01",
x = 0.075,
y = -0.01,
z = 0.235,
rx = 230.0,
ry = 130.0,
rz = -20.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"taillight_l", "taillight_r"},
partIndex = {["taillight_l"] = 10, ["taillight_r"] = 20}
name = "remlicht",
prop = "prop_brakelight_01",
x = 0.09,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.03,
rx = 40.0,
ry = 100.0,
rz = 60.0,
animType = 1,
partBones = {"brakelight_l", "brakelight_r", "brakelight_m"},
partIndex = {["brakelight_l"] = 10, ["brakelight_r"] = 20, ["brakelight_m"] = 30}
name = "deur",
prop = "prop_door_01",
x = 0.025,
y = 0.01,
z = 0.155,
rx = 250.0,
ry = 200.0,
rz = -30.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"door_dside_f", "door_dside_r", "door_pside_f", "door_pside_r"},
partIndex = {["door_dside_f"] = 10, ["door_dside_r"] = 20, ["door_pside_f"] = 30, ["door_pside_r"] = 40}
name = "accu",
prop = "prop_accu_01",
x = 0.12,
y = -0.025,
z = -0.03,
rx = 190.0,
ry = 100.0,
rz = -20.0,
animType = 1,
partBones = {"engine"},
partIndex = {["engine"] = 10}
name = "ruit",
prop = "prop_window_01",
x = 0.24,
y = -0.09,
z = 0.18,
rx = 0.0,
ry = 285.0,
rz = 172.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"window_lf", "window_rf", "window_lr", "window_rr", "bumper_r", "bumper_f"},
partIndex = {
["window_lf"] = 0,
["window_rf"] = 1,
["window_lr"] = 2,
["window_rr"] = 3,
["bumper_r"] = 7,
["bumper_f"] = 6
name = "bumperf",
prop = "prop_bumper_f",
x = 0.0,
y = 0.02,
z = 0.255,
rx = -60.0,
ry = 285.0,
rz = -10.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"bumper_f"},
partIndex = {["bumper_f"] = 10}
name = "bumperr",
prop = "prop_bumper_r",
x = 0.1,
y = -0.10,
z = 0.255,
rx = -150.0,
ry = 110.0,
rz = 0.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"bumper_r"},
partIndex = {["bumper_r"] = 20}
name = "kenteken",
prop = "prop_plate_01",
x = 0.13,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.03,
rx = -20.0,
ry = 100.0,
rz = 60.0,
animType = 1,
partBones = {"bumper_f", "bumper_r"},
partIndex = {["bumper_f"] = 10, ["bumper_r"] = 20}
name = "spiegel",
prop = "prop_mirror_01",
x = 0.14,
y = 0.05,
z = 0.0,
rx = 80.0,
ry = 230.0,
rz = 160.0,
animType = 2,
partBones = {"door_dside_f", "door_pside_f"},
partIndex = {["door_dside_f"] = 10, ["door_pside_f"] = 30}
name = "uitlaat",
prop = "prop_exhaust_01",
x = 0.15,
y = -0.03,
z = 0.205,
rx = 230.0,
ry = 110.0,
rz = 10.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"bumper_r"},
partIndex = {["bumper_r"] = 20}
name = "fullrepair",
prop = "",
x = 0.15,
y = -0.03,
z = 0.205,
rx = 230.0,
ry = 110.0,
rz = 10.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {"engine"},
partIndex = {["engine"] = 10}
name = "remove",
prop = "",
x = 0.15,
y = -0.03,
z = 0.205,
rx = 230.0,
ry = 110.0,
rz = 10.0,
animType = 0,
partBones = {},
partIndex = {}
Last updated